Boys against the Girls WOD Dec 28, 2012
Posted on Jan 14, 2013
This was a birthday WOD where one of our ladies was turning 32, another was turning 52 and one of our guys was tuning 51.
18 min AMRAP of
X Air Squats, X Cardio Sit ups, X Jump Ropes and 5 Burpees plus Y laps
For Boys X=51 and Y=1
For Girls X=52 and Y=2
But the AMRAP started by having to knock out 32 Sit Thrus before you started…Men R/L=2. ladies were allowed to count BY TWOs so R/L=4 (for only a total of 16). But then again women have to run 2 laps for every 1 lap:)
When we calculated the average rounds of girls and boys – the girls won!