Baby Goldberg Homework: 9 lbs 4oz born 1/13/13

Posted on Jan 14, 2013

For Kathy, Glenn and Baby Goldberg (they are still picking a name:)

EMOTM: Every Minute on the Minute for 13 Minutes do the following

– 9 Burpees and 4 Cardio Sit Ups

Newbies flip the exercises and do 9 Cardio sit ups and 4 burpees EMOTM



7 responses to “Baby Goldberg Homework: 9 lbs 4oz born 1/13/13”

  1. Chrissy says:

    This weeks’ Homework is dedicated to the Goldbergs!! Congratulations from all your SIBlings. We will think of you as we are sucking wind for 13 minutes!!!

  2. Kathy says:

    Thanks Chrissy and entire CF family. We are all doing well..I can’t stop looking at him and smiling.
    He’s perfect… .and really big!!! I can’t wait for all of you to meet our bundle of boy
    Hugs and burpees. Kathy

  3. Stacey says:

    Ok, I just did my homework in honor of our new crossfit baby Goldberg! I can’t wait to see him and neither can my girls. They love babies.

  4. Jenn Betz says:

    Congratulations again Goldberg family!! But that homework kind of sucked……Glad everyone is doing well though and can’t wait to meet him!!

  5. Chrissy says:

    Holy smokes the homework was awesomely hard!
    As it should it be with the name Goldberg in it!
    Kyle and I did it…he was beating me in finishing
    The work for the minute..he lasted thru minute
    7:) 117 burpees and 52 sit ups!

  6. Ann Marie says:

    All I have to say is….that was REALLY hard!! Love you, Goldberg family:-)

  7. Karen Evans says:

    Oh my goodness!!!! I just did this workout… was really hard!!!! Confession though…..I didn’t accomplish it in 13 minutes (I was determined to finish it though), it took me about 26 minutes to finish it!! But, I did it:)