Nutrition Challenge – Week 5!
Posted on Feb 17, 2013
Week 5 of Nutrition Challenge!
Start with 10 points.
* NEW for Week 5-Become more aware of and add Cancer Prevention/Immunity Boosting Foods to your Diet. Eat at least 2 of these each day this week so you become familiar with Super Foods! If you miss 2 for the day subtract 1 point for each day. These are considered in research to be super foods as they either prevent free radicals from forming or flush them from your system or boost your immune system to create an environment that is not ideal for cancer growth.
Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, grapefruit, cabbage, kale, avocado, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, salmon, tuna, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, pistachios, green tea, pumpkin or pumpkin seeds, winter squash, garlic and the following spices – curry, turmeric, ginger, coriander, and rosemary.
Also new to Week 5 – 2 of 4 servings of veggies must be RAW!
Plus all the previous healthy for life habits…
* 4 servings of Veggies a day (2 must be raw)! Yes 4! This does not count any fruit – just veggies. Have fun! For each day you miss 4 servings you subtract 1 point (-1).
* Drink 60 oz of water every day! For every day you miss getting in 60 oz of water, subtract 1 point.
* Plan out 3 cheats for the week and stick to those 3. NO Opportunistic Cheats! Subtract 1 point for any cheat other than your 3 planned!
Bonus Points: Post something on our CF Facebook group about the challenge to keep us all motivated ie your cheats, or a recipe or anything. Posting at least once gives you 5 extra points. Do 2o push ups a day – every day this week AND do the CrossFit Homework for this week and Post your results!! So Push Ups + Homework and posting gives you 5 bonus points!
Max Points for the week 20 ( 10 + 5+5).
————DEFINITION(s) of Cheats…
Cheats: Bad Carbs, Alcohol and all the things you already know are bad such as cakes candy, milkshakes, cookies, 100 calorie packs, chips, pretzels, popcorn, dried fruit, etc…. Alcohol: if you attempt to lower the calories you can have 2 drinks as a cheat, but full torte = 1 full cheat. Ex 1 RUM and COKE = 1 cheat. 2 RUM and Diet Cokes = 1 cheat. 1 BEER = 1 Cheat, 2 Low carb/calorie BEER = 1 cheat. Yes, alcohol now chews up a CHEAT!
** Bad Carbs: ALL Pasta – ALL Rice – Rice Cakes – Popcorn – Pretzels – White Potatoes – Bread (unless Low Carb or flour-less) – Dried Fruit – Raisins, all bars, all juices, 100 calorie packs, etc…anything made with flour!
** Good Carbs: beans, apples, blueberries, Squash, Oatmeal…carbs marked LOW on glycemic index.
18 points for me for week 4!! Those veggies got me on two separate days and I couldn’t get the 4 in. Will try harder this week!!
week 4 – 17 points for me – getting better with the water.
OMG Chrissy – please change my week 4 score to 17. I completely forgot that I did one unplanned cheat – damn movie theater popcorn and it’s evil buttery goodness……
18 points for me for week 4 🙂
19 for week 4 ; I posted under week 4 too…wasn’t sure where to put it.
Got the email you needed my Week 3 score…. It was 14. Yeaaa, bad week.
18 for week 5
My points for week 5 was 20
Points for week 6 with the jump ropes was 17